Arrest and Extinguish ALS
There is evidence to suggest that first responders are more likely than the general public to be diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Arrest & Extinguish ALS was created to unite first responders, Police Officers, Fire fighters, and EMTs on a mission to end ALS. By working together, we can support the critical research at the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) to understand the causes of ALS and find effective treatments and cures.
Learn how to get involved and join our mission!
Arrest and Extinguish ALS
Our Mission
Arrest and Extinguish ALS supports research at the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI), a nonprofit biotech, and the world's most comprehensive lab dedicated solely to finding treatments for ALS.
Our mission is two-fold:
  • Support research into the causes of ALS so that we can better understand the correlation between military service and ALS.
  • Support research to invent and discover ALS drugs, so that we can create a future where everyone diagnosed with ALS has options for treatment to slow, stop, or even reverse this disease.
Our Mission
How to Get Involved
Arrest and Extinguish ALS hosts events across the country to raise money and awareness for ALS research. You can participate by organizing an event or activity in your community to engage others and make a collective impact. To learn more about getting involved, contact us here.
Arrest and Extinguish was started by two first responders with ALS – former Lee, MA Chief of Police Jeffery Roosa and former Pittsfield, MA Fire Department Deputy Chief Michael Polidoro. Both men dedicated their lives in service of others, and after being diagnosed with ALS were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from their colleagues and local community.
Jeff and Mike have both since passed from ALS, but we continue to honor their legacy, challenging first responders across the country to get involved.
How to Get Involved
The ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) is the Drug Discovery Engine for ALS. Our multidisciplinary lab is focused solely on discovering and inventing the many drugs that will be needed to meet the needs of everyone with ALS.
ALS TDI employs a team of 30 researchers who are working around the clock to discover and invent ALS treatments. They ensure that 87 cents of every dollar raised goes into our lab to bring us close to ending ALS.
To learn more visit